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People vs Big Tech ©

Waag Futurelab signs Beyond Big Tech manifesto

Waag Futurelab has signed the manifesto Beyond Big Tech: A manifesto for a new digital economy. Together with more than 70 other organisations, Waag calls on the EU and other states to invest in a fair and open digital economy.

The manifesto, which was signed by organisations such as SOMO and the Transnational Institute, comes after a landmark win over Big Tech last month where a US judge called Google a "monopolist" and ruled that the company has an illegal monopoly on search.

In addition to calling for stricter regulations for tech giants, the manifesto also urges major investments in an open, fair and public infrastructure that serves the interests of the people. This ties in with Waag Futurelab's mission to design according to public values ​​and invest in technology that is open source, privacy-friendly and decentralised.

People vs Big Tech

People vs Big Tech is a collaboration of more than 160 organisations that want to join forces against big tech companies and protect the interests of the people. The organisation tries to influence policy makers inside and outside the EU. Members of People vs Big Tech include human rights organisations, think tanks, research institutes and activist organisations.


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