Current projects

Open Design Lab
HAMLET’s mission is to make the benefits of generative AI accessible to organisations of all sizes, in order to foster a sustainable digital transition.Tactical Media Room

Future Internet Lab
Tactical Media Room
The Tactical Media Room aims to support independent tactical media, journalists, newsrooms and civic initiatives from Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus.Expedition to planet B

Expedition to planet B
Waag embarked on an expedition to planet B in order to design and create a desired future that is open, fair and inclusive.Closed projects
Social Initiative in the Energy Transition

Smart Citizens Lab
Social Initiative in the Energy Transition
Commissioned by the Nationaal Klimaat Platform (NKP), Waag Futurelab worked on the design of a programme on Social Initiative in the Energy Transition.Public Stack: the alternative internet

Future Internet Lab
Public Stack: the alternative internet
The internet is broken, but alternatives are available. We call the collection of these open, fair and safe alternatives the Public Stack.Smart society cases

Commons Lab
Smart society cases
In this project we sketch a picture of the dilemmas that digitisation entails within public administration and the effect this has on society.Chamber of Commons

Commons Lab
Chamber of Commons
The Chamber of Commons bolsters the interests of commons and commoners.Zomergasten with Marleen Stikker

Zomergasten with Marleen Stikker
On August 12, 2018 Marleen Stikker was a guest for three hours in the VPRO television programme Zomergasten (Summer guests).Digital Identity Lab

Future Internet Lab
Digital Identity Lab
The Digital Identity Lab looked for new ideas, concepts and concrete tools that can include a reliable and secure digital identity.WeMakeThe.City

WeMakeThe.City is the festival that makes cities better.Fairphone

Fairphone’s mission is to bring a fair smartphone to the market – one made entirely of parts produced and utilised without harming individuals or the environment.Amsterdammers, maak je stad!

Creative Care Lab
Amsterdammers, maak je stad!
Through this project, we supported city-makers, active citizens and social entrepreneurs with their initiatives to make our city a better place for everyone.DECODE

Future Internet Lab
DECODE develops practical alternatives through the creation, evaluation and demonstration of a distributed and open architecture for managing online identity, personal and other data, and collective governance in a citizen-friendly and privacy-aware fashion.DSI4EU

Commons Lab
Digital Social Innovation in Europe (DSI4EU) supports digital social innovation networks in Europe.Masterclass Netpolitics

Future Internet Lab