Mobility Urban Values
Mobility Urban Values (MUV) is a three-year European project that examines how to engage citizens with 'gamification' in stimulating towards sustainable mobility choices in their neighbourhood.
The world is urbanizing rapidly. This creates a lot of presure on cities and their mobility issues. You see governments who are not capable of solving this issues alone very effectively. There is an increasing interest in involving citizens in designing solutions for their neighborhood.
Together with six neighborhoods in Europe, we'll work in analyzing the behavior, needs and values in terms of mobility. Next we'll develop an app that uses game principals to encourage citizens to critically rethink their mobility choices. Through co-creation, data collection, gamification and reward mechanisms, behavioural change will be stimulated. For example: you can earn points with sustainable transport choices. In addition, a network of measuring stations will be spread around the neighbourhood. These measurement stations will be designed, maintained and maintained by the citizens in close collaboration with the "maker community". In addition to citizens and the government involvement, companies will also participate in order to provide incentives for sustainable choices.
MUV will focus on six pilots in areas spread throughout Europe: Buitenveldert in Amsterdam, Sant Andreu in Barcelona, the historic district of the Portuguese city of Fundao, Muide-Meulestede in the port of Ghent, the new area of Jätkäsaari in Helsinki and the area of Centro Storico in Palermo.
The pilot in Amsterdam focuses on the Buitenveldert district. In 2014, local bus line 62 has changed its route, which has greatly increased the distance for many people from their homes to bus stops. This affects many residents, but especially the elderly (65+), who are highly present in this area. Elderly people are a vulnerable group, because this situation can lead to loneliness and dependence on private transport companies with all the negative consequences.
Waag will be responsible for the pilot in Buitenveldert together with the municipality of Amsterdam.
Meta data
Project duration
Mobility Urban Values has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 723521.